損 益 計 算 書 (Income Statement)

売上高 Sales
 売上高  Sales
売上原価 Cost of goods sold
 期首商品棚卸高  Beginning merchandise inventory
 当期商品仕入高  Purchases
 期末商品卸高  Ending merchandise inventory
販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses
 給料  Salaries expense
 役員報酬  Bonus to directors
 賞与手当  Bonus expense
 旅費  Travel expense
 退職金  Retirement allowance
 通信費  Communication expense
 運賃  Freight expense
 通勤交通費  Commutation expense
 法定福利費  Legal welfare expenxe
 福利厚生費  Welfare expense
 水道光熱費  Utilities expense
 広告宣伝費  Advertising expense
 接待交際費  Entertainment expense
 減価償却費  Depreciation expense
 事務用品費  Stationery expense
 新聞図書費  Books and subscription expense
 修繕費  Repair and maintenance expense
 租税公課  Sundry taxes expense
 事務消耗品費  Office supplies expense
 リース料  Lease expense
 保険料  Insurance expense
 諸会費  Membership expense
 支払手数料  Commissions expense
 地代家賃  Office rent expense
 寄付金  Donation expnese
 貸倒引当金繰入  Provision for bad debt
 貸倒損失  Bad debt expense
 会議費  Meeting expense
 雑費  Miscellaneous expenses
営業外収益 Non-operating income
 受取利息  Interest income
 為替差益  Gain on foreign exchange
 雑収入  Miscellaneous income
営業外費用 Non-operating expenses
 支払利息割引料  Interest expense
 為替差損  Loss on foreign exchange
 雑損失  Miscellaneous loss
特別利益 Extraordinary profits
 前期損益修正益  Profits from prior period adjustments
 固定資産売却益  Gain on sale of fixed assets
特別損失 Extraordinary loss
 前期損益修正損  Loss from prior period adjustments
 固定資産売却損  Loss on sale of fixed assets
 固定資産除却損  Loss on retirement of fixed assets
法人税、住民税及び事業税 Corporation tax, residential tax and business tax
当期純利益 Net income for the period
前期繰越利益 Retained earnings at the beginning of period
当期未処分利益 Unappropriated retained earnings at the end of period